
Taking care of your oral health is not a luxury; it is a necessity for long-term optimal health. With a focus on prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment, Dental insurance can greatly reduce your costs when it comes to restorative and emergency procedures.​

When you visit a dentist in the network, you will maximize your savings. These dentists have agreed to reduced fees, which means you won’t get charged more than your expected share of the bill.

Mutual of Omaha Dental PPO

Plan Information

Plan Name: Mutual of Omaha Dental PPO

Policy Number: G000BW2Y

Effective Date: 07/01/2024

Provider Network: Mutual of Omaha

In-Network Benefit Highlights

Deductible (Individual/Family)

Out-of-Pocket Max (Individual/Family)

Preventive Care

Primary Care Visit

Specialist Visit

Urgent Care

Emergency Room

Benefit Highlights


Deductible (Individual/Family)

Annual Plan Maximum (Individual/Family)

Preventive Care

Basic Services
10% coinsurance after deductible

Major Procedures
40% coinsurance after deductible

Orthodontia (Adults and Children)
50% up to a lifetime maximum benefit of $1,000


Deductible (Individual/Family)

Annual Plan Maximum (Individual/Family)

Preventive Care

Basic Services
15% coinsurance after deductible

Major Procedures
50% coinsurance after deductible

Orthodontia (Adults and Children)
50% up to a lifetime maximum benefit of $1,000